Invisalign Aligners vs. Retainers - What's the Difference?

Invisalign aligners are renowned for their transformative power in straightening teeth and enhancing smiles. These custom-made, nearly invisible aligners are designed to address a wide range of orthodontic issues, from mild to complex cases. Retainers, on the other hand, play a crucial role in preserving the results achieved through orthodontic treatment, whether it’s with Invisalign aligners or traditional braces. 


Here’s what sets aligners and retainers apart:


  1. Active Orthodontic Treatment: Invisalign aligners actively move teeth into their desired positions. Each set of aligners is worn for a specified duration, typically one to two weeks, before progressing to the next set. This gradual adjustment process ensures a comfortable and effective treatment experience.
  1. Corrective and Aesthetic: Invisalign is an excellent choice for individuals seeking to correct misaligned teeth and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing smile. It can address issues such as crowding, spacing, overbites, underbites, and crossbites while offering a discreet appearance.
  1. Temporary, Not Permanent: Invisalign treatment is temporary, aimed at achieving specific orthodontic goals. Once your treatment is complete, you’ll transition to a different orthodontic appliance designed to maintain the results. You also have the flexibility to remove them as needed (although for best results, you must wear the aligners 20-22 hours a day).


  1. Post-Treatment Stability: Retainers are typically introduced once the active phase of orthodontic treatment is complete. Their primary function is to maintain the newly achieved alignment of teeth and prevent them from shifting back to their original positions.
  1. Customized to Your Smile: Similar to Invisalign aligners, retainers are custom-made to fit your teeth precisely. They, too, are removable.
  1. Long-Term Commitment: Retention is a long-term commitment. You’ll be advised to wear your retainer consistently for an extended period, usually during the day and night initially and eventually transitioning to nighttime wear only.


Invisalign aligners and retainers share a symbiotic relationship in your orthodontic journey. Invisalign aligners correct misalignments and create your dream smile, while retainers ensure that your smile stays precisely as you desire it.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

Invisalign for Kids: When Can They Start?

Many parents wonder when the right time is to consider orthodontic treatment for their children. Invisalign for kids is a fantastic option, but it’s crucial to determine the optimal age to start. Early intervention can address orthodontic issues when they’re easier to correct, potentially reducing the need for more extensive treatment later on.


The ideal age to start Invisalign treatment for children can vary depending on their unique dental development. However, a common starting point is around the age of 7 to 10 years old. At this stage, children typically have a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth, and orthodontists can evaluate their oral health and detect any early signs of misalignment or bite issues.

Signs Your Child May Benefit from Invisalign:

  1. Crowding: If your child’s teeth are crowded or overlapping, early intervention can help create space for permanent teeth to come in properly.
  2. Spacing: Gaps between teeth can also be addressed with Invisalign, ensuring that there’s enough room for adult teeth to erupt correctly.
  3. Bite Problems: Issues like overbites, underbites, or crossbites can often be corrected more effectively when identified early.
  4. Thumb Sucking or Other Habits: Persistent thumb sucking or tongue thrusting can impact dental development. Invisalign can help mitigate these effects.


For teenagers who are ready for orthodontic treatment, Invisalign Teen is specifically designed to accommodate their changing mouths. Invisalign Teen aligners come with compliance indicators to ensure they’re wearing their aligners as instructed. Plus, they can still enjoy the flexibility and comfort of Invisalign while addressing their orthodontic needs.

Determining the right age and timing for your child’s Invisalign treatment begins with a consultation with our experienced orthodontist, Dr. Ronald Maddox. During this consultation, Dr. Maddox will evaluate your child’s oral health, discuss your treatment goals, and create a personalized plan tailored to their needs.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

Can You Eat and Drink with Invisalign?

Eating and drinking are often top concerns for patients exploring orthodontic options. Join us as we reveal why Invisalign’s clear aligner system offers you the culinary freedom you’ve been longing for during your smile transformation journey.

Invisalign has redefined orthodontic treatment by providing a comfortable, discreet, and convenient alternative to traditional braces. One of its standout features is the ease with which you can enjoy your favorite foods and beverages without any of the restrictions commonly associated with braces.


Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable. This means that you can take them out whenever you eat or drink. No more worrying about food getting stuck in wires or brackets. Simply pop out your aligners, indulge in your meal, and then clean your teeth before putting them back in.


Invisalign’s removability eliminates the need for dietary restrictions. Whether you’re savoring a juicy burger, relishing crunchy snacks, or biting into a crisp apple, you can enjoy your favorite foods without limitations. With Invisalign, you won’t have to give up the pleasures of eating and drinking your favorite foods.


Maintaining good oral hygiene is a breeze with Invisalign. Since you can remove your aligners, there’s no obstacle to thorough brushing and flossing. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy throughout your treatment is simple, contributing to a brighter, more confident smile.


Traditional braces often involve brackets and wires that can affect how you perceive the taste of food. With Invisalign, there are no metal components to alter your taste sensations. You can savor the full flavor of every meal.

Invisalign’s flexibility in eating and drinking allows you to maintain your lifestyle without disruption. Whether you’re dining out with friends, attending special occasions, or simply enjoying your daily meals, you can do so with confidence and comfort.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

Which Teeth Move First with Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign is renowned for its discreet, comfortable, and effective orthodontic treatment. But have you ever wondered how it all begins? The magic of your smile transformation starts with a careful assessment and a personalized treatment plan designed by your orthodontist, Dr. Ronald Maddox, and the rest is history!


In most Invisalign cases, the initial focus is on your front teeth, both upper and lower. These are the teeth most visible when you smile, and aligning them lays the foundation for the overall aesthetic improvement of your smile. By addressing the alignment of your front teeth early in treatment, you’ll start to see noticeable changes that boost your confidence.


If your smile exhibits crowding issues, where teeth are too close together, or spacing issues, where gaps exist between teeth, the initial aligners are strategically designed to address these concerns. Your orthodontist carefully plans the series of aligners to create space or gently shift crowded teeth into their ideal positions.


Invisalign treatment follows a sequential progression. Each set of aligners is crafted to make specific adjustments to your teeth. As you transition from one set of aligners to the next, you’ll notice that different teeth may start to move. This process continues until your entire smile is in harmony, ensuring a balanced, functional, and beautiful result.


Throughout your Invisalign journey, patience and compliance are essential. While you might notice the initial changes quickly, it’s important to remember that orthodontic treatment is a gradual process. Consistently wearing your aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours a day and following your orthodontist’s instructions will lead to the best results.

As you progress through your Invisalign treatment, celebrate each milestone along the way. Whether it’s the alignment of your front teeth or the closing of noticeable gaps, each step is a victory on your path to a more confident smile.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

Who Invented Invisalign?

Invisalign, the brainchild of Stanford University graduate Zia Chishti and his business partner Kelsey Wirth, was born out of a desire to revolutionize orthodontic treatment. The idea took root when Chishti experienced a broken retainer while he was a graduate student. This unfortunate incident led him to envision a more comfortable, aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces.

Chishti’s realization came in the form of advanced computer technology. He recognized that computer-aided design and 3D printing could be leveraged to create a series of clear, removable aligners that would gradually shift teeth into their desired positions. This high-tech approach marked a departure from the traditional orthodontic methods involving brackets and wires.

In 1997, Zia Chishti co-founded Align Technology, Inc., a company dedicated to bringing his vision to life. Align Technology’s pioneering work paved the way for the development of the Invisalign system. The company’s dedication to innovation and commitment to providing patients with a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing orthodontic solution drove the clear aligner revolution.

In 1998, Align Technology received FDA approval for the Invisalign system, marking a significant milestone in the world of orthodontics. Patients embraced the concept of clear aligners, drawn by the promise of a nearly invisible, convenient, and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. Since its inception, Invisalign has continued to evolve. Technological advancements have enabled even more precise treatment planning and better results. Today, Invisalign aligners are used to address a wide range of orthodontic issues, from mild to complex cases.

At Unbraced Invisalign Studio, led by the experienced orthodontist Dr. Ronald C. Maddox, we are proud to offer patients the transformative power of Invisalign aligners. Dr. Maddox’s expertise combined with Invisalign’s innovative technology allows us to provide tailored treatment plans that create radiant smiles and boost self-esteem. The invention of Invisalign by Zia Chishti and Align Technology has revolutionized orthodontics, providing millions of individuals with a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing path to their dream smiles. If you’re ready to experience the transformative power of Invisalign, schedule a consultation at Unbraced Invisalign Studio today.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

Is Invisalign Right for You? Understanding the Ideal Candidates

Who is the ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment? Join us as we break down the characteristics that make someone a perfect fit for this transformative orthodontic experience.

Invisalign has redefined orthodontic treatment by offering a nearly invisible, comfortable, and convenient alternative to traditional braces. This innovative approach uses a series of custom-made, clear aligners to gently shift your teeth into their desired positions. While Invisalign is suitable for a wide range of orthodontic issues, the ideal candidates share several common traits.

  1. Mild to Moderate Orthodontic Issues: Invisalign is highly effective for addressing mild to moderate orthodontic concerns. This includes issues like overcrowding, gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites, and open bites. For individuals with severe orthodontic problems, traditional braces may still be the most appropriate solution.

  2. Commitment to Compliance: Invisalign aligners are removable, which offers the flexibility to eat, drink, and practice oral hygiene with ease. However, to achieve optimal results, candidates must commit to wearing the aligners for 20-22 hours per day. If you’re diligent about following your orthodontist’s instructions, Invisalign may be an excellent choice.

  3. A Desire for Aesthetics and Comfort: If you value aesthetics and comfort in your orthodontic treatment, Invisalign aligners are a perfect fit. They’re virtually invisible and free from the discomfort associated with traditional braces’ brackets and wires.

  4. Good Oral Health: Candidates should maintain good oral health. Any existing dental issues, such as cavities or gum disease, should be addressed before starting Invisalign treatment. Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor your oral health during treatment.


Ultimately, the best way to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for Invisalign is through a consultation with our experienced orthodontist, Dr. Ronald C. Maddox, at our studio. During this consultation, he will evaluate your specific needs, discuss your treatment goals, and develop a personalized plan tailored to your unique smile.

Unlock Your Smile Potential with Unbraced

If you believe you fit the profile of an Invisalign candidate, take the next step toward your dream smile by scheduling a consultation at Unbraced Invisalign Studio. Discover the transformative power of Invisalign and embark on a journey to a more confident, beautiful you.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

Invisalign Trays: Where Are They Made?

Invisalign aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatment by offering a discreet, comfortable, and effective way to straighten teeth. A key to their success lies in their custom-made nature. Each set of aligners is crafted to suit your unique dental needs and desired smile transformation.


The heart of Invisalign production beats at Align Technology, a global leader in clear aligner therapy. Headquartered in San Jose, California, Align Technology is the birthplace of the Invisalign system. This cutting-edge facility houses state-of-the-art technology and a team of experts dedicated to perfecting your smile.


The journey to your dream smile begins with a 3D digital scan of your teeth. This is what we do at your consultation here at Unbraced. This scan is used to create a precise 3D model of your current dental arrangement. Dr. Maddox then plans your treatment virtually, mapping out the step-by-step movement of your teeth until they reach their desired positions.


Once your treatment plan is perfected digitally, it’s time for the magic to happen. Advanced manufacturing techniques, including 3D printing and thermoforming, are employed to craft your custom aligners. Each aligner in your series is slightly different, designed to gently guide your teeth to their next positions.


Quality assurance is paramount in Invisalign production. Every aligner undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets Align Technology’s standards. This attention to detail guarantees that your aligners will fit comfortably and perform effectively throughout your treatment.


Your custom Invisalign aligners are then packaged and sent to Unbraced Invisalign Studio, where your orthodontic journey begins. Dr. Maddox oversees your treatment, ensuring that every aligner takes you one step closer to your dream smile.

Ready to embark on a transformative smile journey? Schedule your consultation today at Unbraced Invisalign Studio and experience the future of orthodontic care.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

A New Smile, A New Comfort: How Invisalign Can Help TMJ

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) is undoubtedly painful and inconvenient; however, did you know that Invisalign aligners can offer relief and comfort? Read on to discover how Invisalign helps alleviate the symptoms of TMJ, providing not only a beautiful smile but also enhanced well-being.


TMJ is a condition affecting the temporomandibular joint, the joint connecting your jaw to your skull. Those with TMJ often experience symptoms like jaw pain, headaches, earaches, and difficulty opening or closing their mouths comfortably. While there are various causes of TMJ, misaligned teeth can be a contributing factor.


Invisalign’s primary purpose is to straighten teeth and enhance smiles, but its benefits go beyond aesthetics. The precise alignment that Invisalign offers can significantly reduce the strain on your jaw caused by misaligned teeth. When your teeth fit together correctly, it helps your jaw joint function more smoothly, reducing the risk of TMJ discomfort.

The journey to a more comfortable, TMJ-free life begins with a consultation at Unbraced Invisalign Studio. Dr. Ronald C. Maddox will assess your condition and discuss your goals. If misaligned teeth are contributing to your TMJ symptoms, a customized Invisalign treatment plan will be created to gradually shift your teeth into their optimal positions.


Invisalign aligners are made from smooth, comfortable plastic. Unlike traditional braces, they don’t involve wires or brackets that can irritate your cheeks and gums. This means you can enjoy your treatment without added discomfort, and you can easily remove the aligners for eating, speaking, and oral hygiene. Reducing pain from traditional braces and from TMJ? Killing two birds with one stone!

Addressing TMJ with Invisalign aligners isn’t just about symptom relief; it’s about improving your overall quality of life. By alleviating TMJ discomfort, you can enjoy a life free from jaw pain, headaches, and other associated issues. A well-aligned smile promotes not only physical comfort but also boosts your self-esteem and confidence.

At Unbraced Invisalign Studio, we believe in comprehensive care that addresses both the aesthetic and functional aspects of your smile. Dr. Maddox’s expertise combined with Invisalign’s innovative technology ensures a seamless journey toward a more comfortable, TMJ-free life.


Ready to embrace a life free from TMJ discomfort? Schedule your consultation today at Unbraced Invisalign Studio and experience the transformative power of Invisalign aligners.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

Why Invisalign is a Gentler Path to a Beautiful Smile: Navigating Orthodontic Treatment with Minimal Discomfort

We know comfort is an important factor when it comes to orthodontic treatment. Luckily, Invisalign is renowned for its gentleness compared to braces, and we are happy to debunk the myth surrounding the “most painful” aligner.


One of the standout advantages of Invisalign is its remarkably gentle approach to shifting teeth. Unlike traditional braces, which involve metal brackets and wires that can often cause irritation and soreness, Invisalign aligners are crafted from smooth, BPA-free plastic. This means they are far less likely to irritate your cheeks and gums, allowing for a more comfortable experience throughout your treatment journey.


Braces often require periodic adjustments and tightening, which can lead to discomfort and soreness. In contrast, Invisalign aligners are changed approximately every 1-2 weeks, gradually guiding your teeth into their desired positions with minimal discomfort. The absence of metal components also eliminates the potential for abrasions, making your orthodontic journey a smoother and more enjoyable one.


It’s not uncommon to hear tales of a certain aligner stage being the most painful. However, it’s essential to understand that pain perception varies from person to person. While some individuals may experience slight discomfort during certain aligner stages, this discomfort is typically temporary and manageable. Remember that discomfort is often a sign that your aligners are doing their job, gently shifting your teeth into alignment.


At Unbraced Invisalign Studio, we prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout your treatment. Dr. Ronald C. Maddox’s extensive experience ensures that your Invisalign journey is tailored to your unique needs, minimizing any potential discomfort along the way. Experience the difference for yourself and embrace a treatment journey that prioritizes your well-being.

Ready to embark on a comfortable and transformative smile journey? Schedule your consultation today at Unbraced Invisalign Studio and experience the gentle power of Invisalign aligners.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.

How Invisalign Can Fix Overbites

Overbites are a common orthodontic concern, and Invisalign aligners offer an effective and discreet solution. Read on to discover how Invisalign can help align your bite, enhance your smile, and promote optimal oral health.


An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth significantly overlap the lower front teeth. While a small overbite is normal, excessive overbites can lead to various oral health issues, including jaw discomfort, speech difficulties, and even increased wear on teeth.


Invisalign’s advanced technology and personalized treatment plans make it an excellent choice for addressing overbites. Dr. Ronald C. Maddox and our team at Unbraced Invisalign Studio utilize cutting-edge 3D imaging to map out a tailored treatment path that gradually shifts your teeth into their ideal positions.


Your journey towards a corrected overbite begins with a consultation. Dr. Maddox will assess your bite and discuss your goals before creating a customized Invisalign plan. A series of clear aligners will be designed to guide your teeth’s movement, bringing your bite into proper alignment over time


One of the standout benefits of Invisalign is the virtually invisible nature of the aligners. As you wear them, you can confidently go about your daily activities without drawing unwanted attention. The aligners are made from smooth, comfortable plastic, ensuring an irritation-free experience.


Correcting an overbite with Invisalign isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also about improving your oral health. By aligning your bite, you can reduce the risk of issues such as teeth grinding, uneven wear, and potential jaw discomfort. A well-aligned bite contributes to a healthier, happier smile.


Unbraced Invisalign Studio is your partner in achieving a beautifully aligned smile and optimal oral health. Dr. Maddox’s expertise combined with Invisalign’s innovative technology ensures a seamless overbite correction journey, all while maintaining your comfort and confidence.

Ready to address your overbite and experience the transformative power of Invisalign? Schedule your consultation today at Unbraced Invisalign Studio and embark on a journey toward a confident smile.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.