Welcome to Unbraced Invisalign Studio, your go-to destination for achieving a stunning smile in San Dimas, CA. We are excited to introduce you to the game-changing world of Invisalign clear aligner treatment, a modern and comfortable alternative to conventional braces. Say goodbye to self-consciousness and embrace a new era of orthodontic care with 10 remarkable benefits that will make you fall in love with Invisalign.

1. Aesthetics: Virtually Invisible 

Invisalign aligners are the ultimate choice for those who value aesthetics. Crafted from clear plastic, they are virtually invisible, leaving you free to smile confidently without feeling self-conscious about wearing braces.

2. Comfort: Gentle on Your Gums

Experience unparalleled comfort during your orthodontic journey. Invisalign aligners are made of smooth plastic, eliminating the irritation that traditional braces can cause to your gums and cheeks.

3. Removability: Effortless Convenience

Enjoy the freedom to eat, brush, and floss with ease! Invisalign aligners are easily removable, allowing you to maintain excellent oral hygiene throughout your treatment.

4. No Dietary Restrictions: Savor Your Favorites

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners don’t restrict your diet. You can savor all your favorite foods since you can remove the aligners during meals.

5. Predictable Results: Precision at Its Best

With Invisalign, advanced computer software ensures a precise and predictable outcome. Witness your smile transformation unfold before your eyes!

6. Shorter Treatment Time: Faster Smiles

We understand that time is valuable. With Invisalign, you can achieve your dream smile in as little as 6-18 months, much shorter than the treatment time for traditional braces.

7. Fewer Office Visits: Convenience Redefined

Less time at the orthodontist’s office means more time for your busy life. Invisalign aligners are typically changed every 1-2 weeks, resulting in fewer office visits.

8. Reduced Risk of Damage: Gentle and Safe

Invisalign aligners embrace a gentler approach to your teeth and gums. Without brackets or wires, there’s no risk of damage that can be associated with traditional braces.

9. No Tightening Appointments: Smooth Transition

Bid farewell to uncomfortable tightening appointments. With Invisalign, simply switch to a new set of aligners as you progress through your treatment.

10. Improved Oral Health: A Brighter Future

Maintaining good oral hygiene is effortless with Invisalign. The ability to remove the aligners for brushing and flossing leads to better overall oral health.


Your journey to a radiant smile awaits! At Unbraced, we are committed to providing a transformative and enjoyable orthodontic experience. Our expert team, led by Dr. Ronald C. Maddox, is passionate about helping you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Discover the benefits of Invisalign in San Dimas and embark on an exciting path to a confident, winning smile. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step toward a brighter future with Unbraced Invisalign Studio.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please contact:

Ashley M
Officer Manager/Invisalign Consult


Unbraced is proud to be one of ten national providers tabbed as an Invisalign Studio, and is the closest elite provider in your neighborhood. Walk-in, get your scan and have a consultation with ease with Dr. Ron Maddox and his experienced team of Invisalign specialists. All ages welcome. Affordable financing offered and insurance accepted, too.